
Описание к видео #SeleniumSummit21​

Interactive Session by Anand Vyas, Principal Consultant, MLDS on "TestNG v/s JUnit 5" !!

The CP-SAT Selenium Summit 2021 was held Online on 6th Feb 2021.The summit had presence of esteemed speakers across the globe and saw a participation of delegates across various parts of the world.

#SeleniumSummit21 was an attempt to put together a community / free event for everyone to learn something new about the Selenium with main objectives:

1. To help selenium and CP-SAT testing community come together
and learn from each other
2. To help create a platform for selenium practitioners to share
their knowledge
3. To help testing professionals learn some new topics in the
world of Selenium Automation

For more info about the Global Conference, please check: https://seleniumsummit21.agiletesting...

Our Speaker - Anand Vyas
Anand has done his M Tech from IIT Delhi and has worked in the IT Industry for last 18 years with clients like CitiBank, Barclays, UBS, Lehman Brothers, Nordea Bank and has travelled across the Globe implementing end to end solutions for these and many other clients.

To know more about Anand, please check:

The Organizers:

CP-SAT - https://cpsat.agiletestingalliance.org/
(“Certified Professional – Selenium Automation Testing”) is one of the most renowned and toughest globally recognized Selenium Certification.

ATA - Agile Testing Alliance (ATA): https://agiletestingalliance.org/

DevOps++ Alliance: https://devopsppalliance.org/

You can connect with us on your favorite social media profile for updates on Training, conferences and other events:

Linked In:   / agile-testing-alliance  
Twitter (ATA):  / agiletalliance  
Facebook:   / agiletestingalliance  
Instagram:   / agiletestingalliance  

To know more about the upcoming events, please visit: https://ataevents.org/

See you at #SeleniumSummit2022 - the 3th Edition of “CP-SAT Selenium Summit 2022”.

Be with us.

#ATACommunity #Testing #SoftwareTesting #Technology #TestTool
#TestAutomation #AutomationTools #Conference


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