[YTP] Stranger Danger

Описание к видео [YTP] Stranger Danger

In the small town of Memesville, a spooky Allen escapes but nobody really cares. Meanwhile, three horny kids plan to bang their mothers, a homeless girl tries to stab people, the town's Robert DeNiro impressionist aggressively interrogates Hillary Clinton, and the girl from Beetlejuice goes absolutely fucking insane.

Also known as 'Numberer1 Attempts Basic After Effects Features"


Roughly six months of on-and-off work and finally it's done! It's not my best YTP by far, but it sure as hell is my longest. I spent more time on the intro and the 60fps conversion than the entire thing. The show's audio was butchered in the conversion process but...ah well. Plus there's a few Easter eggs here and there too, of course! And last but not least...IT'S IN 4K. Enjoy.

I'll be working on...well, I'm sure you know what it is. More YTPs to come in 2017. Have a Merry New Christmas and a Happy Year's Eve.


There's too many sources so just ask me in the comments if you wanna know where something is. If I don't answer, someone else probably will.

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