Data Modeling and Partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB - Mark Brown - NDC Oslo 2021

Описание к видео Data Modeling and Partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB - Mark Brown - NDC Oslo 2021

The era of cloud computing has ushered in a new era where applications now demand unprecedented levels of scale and size. Relational databases which have been with us for 50 years are often not able to handle ingesting hundreds of MB a second or growing to PB in size. Enter NoSQL databases which were designed specifically to deal with these unique challenges.

In this session we will take a simple e-commerce application and migrate it from a relational database to a partitioned, NoSQL database. Along the way you will learn how to analyze you application to uncover how to design you data model and how to measure your application's performance as you iterate and test your designs. You will learn the tips, tricks and techniques for modeling and partitioning data that will allow your application to grow to unlimited scale and size with millisecond response times.

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