China blames the Ukraine crisis on alleged U.S. "Cold War thinking"

Описание к видео China blames the Ukraine crisis on alleged U.S. "Cold War thinking"

(17 May 2024)


Beijing - 17 May 2024
1. Wide of China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at news conference
2. Mid of phone recording Wang
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wang Wenbin, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“Those words reflect a Manichean mindset of the U.S., which drives a constant search for an enemy rather than peace. This is a continuation of the Cold War mentality. The Cold War thinking of the U.S. side bears the unshirkable responsibility for the outbreak and aggravation of the Ukraine crisis.”
4. Wide of reporters
5. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wang Wenbin, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“It is the person who tied the bell to untie it, as a Chinese saying goes. We urge the U.S. to stop shifting the blame to China, stop driving a wedge between China and Europe, stop fanning the flames and do something practical to find a political resolution to the Ukraine crisis.”
6. Reporters
7. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wang Wenbin, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities have accustomed to using dollar diplomacy at will with the hard-earned money of the Taiwan people to buy other countries’ dignitaries’ support for their Taiwan independence plot and serve their own political agenda. This eventually harms Taiwan people’s interests. Facts have proved that the DPP authorities' dollar diplomacy is not only harmful to the development of the countries concerned but will also nurture a breeding ground for corruption. I believe the Guatemalan government and people have a sharp eye on this.”
8. Wide of news conference

China’s Foreign Ministry on Friday blamed the Ukraine crisis on what they called “Cold War thinking” of the U.S - as Russia's President Vladimir Putin was on his second day of his state visit.

China's foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin spoke at a daily news briefing in Beijing in response to U.S. State Department Principal Deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel’s saying China can't have their "cake and eat it too" when it comes to its relationship with Russia.

Patel said Thursday that China could not want to keep a good relationship with Europe while fueling the “biggest threat” to Europe’s security in the long run.

“Those words reflect a Manichean mindset of the U.S., which drives a constant search for an enemy rather than peace. This is a continuation of the Cold War mentality,” Wang said.

This came a day after Putin and China's leader Xi Jinping reaffirmed their “no-limits” partnership as China and Russia face rising tensions with the West.

China claims to take a neutral position in the conflict, but it has backed the Kremlin's contentions that Russia was provoked into attacking Ukraine by the West, and it continues to supply key components needed by Moscow for weapons production.

Separately, Wang accused Taiwan of alleged “dollar diplomacy” with Guatemala, one of only 12 remaining diplomatic allies of the self-governing island.

This came just two days before the inauguration of Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te, who is expected to maintain President Tsai Ing-wen’s hardline stance against Beijing.

China has been gradually poaching Taiwan’s diplomatic allies in recent years.

Ten countries have switched ties from Taipei to Beijing since the initial election of DPP President Tsai Ing-wen in 2016.


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