Persona 5 Royal - Boss: Yaldabaoth

Описание к видео Persona 5 Royal - Boss: Yaldabaoth

Time to finish things! Or it would be the case if it was the original version of the game where this is indeed the final boss! I've fused a bunch of Personas before taking him on, and show them all off at the start, Attis is a very notable one, as his Vitality of the Tree trait allows you to use Thermopylae with no condition but a 30 SP cost, entirely buffing your team in a single turn, that's extremely valuable! The rest are more typical strong Personas to cover most elements.

Heading inside the temple pits you against the Holy Grail once more, and you'll have to send one character to cut the lines keeping the Grail healed up, just pick someone you won't miss too much for a few turns, and don't think you can just get on the defensive, you need to damage the boss to progress. All of its attacks are Almighty, so don't worry about elemental affinities. After a few turns of combat, the character you sent will cut the blood vessels and the fight will proceed normally. Just be sure to absolutely defend when you see the boss Gathering Light, because the powerful Eternal Light comes right after! Defeat the Holy Grail and you'll get to see its true form...

The fight against Yaldabaoth starts out pretty straightforward, he's your sole target, but after taking some damage, it'll start summoning weapons, starting with a gun, and use the Deadly Sins against you. Distorted Lust is the first of them, giving the affected character a chance to skip turns. The gun itself repels Gun and Wind attacks, so be careful with those.
The next weapon is a bell, repelling Fire and Psy, and unleashing Distorted Vanity on you, making the affected character vulnerable to all elements, much like Shadow Madarame did back at the beginning of the game.
The sword he summons repels Phys, Gun and Elec, so don't use that on it, and watch out for the Distorted Gluttony doubling skill costs for the entire party!
The last weapon to be summoned is a book, repelling Ice and Nuke, and it'll summon Distorted Wrath upon a character, boosting their attack power at the cost of their defense.
It'll periodically resummon its weapons at half health to inflict other ailments on you, Distorted Avarice inflicts Hunger, but can amusingly fail to affect its target thanks to Astarte's trait reducing ailment chances.
Distorted Envy inflicts an ailment on a character that causes them to attack whoever receives support from a party member, be it buffs or healing, a vicious circle since you do need to heal up the party member getting attacked.
Lastly, Distorted Pride isn't an ailment, but rather a stance the enemy takes, attack him while it's up and you'll get hit by a counterattack, so just stick to buffing, healing and charging up for that turn.
Once Yaldabaoth is low on health, he'll resummon any weapon that have been destroyed and use Divine Apex to start charging up its strongest attack, Divine Apex, you've got two options at that point, either end the fight before the two turns of charging are up, or destroy weapons to reduce the power of Rays of Control, do be sure to guard before the attack hits either way, in my case, I finished the fight right as he started charging up!

We then get the power to end things for good and return to our regular reality, things seem to be over, but are they really...?


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