Haikelite HK90S Flashlight Review!

Описание к видео Haikelite HK90S Flashlight Review!

Here is the latest from HaikeLite with their HK90S flashlight. This compact dedicated thrower is incredible range for its size. Sporting the G90 LED for very nice wide spill for easy illumination of the foreground. This is important for hunters and search & rescue etc. The very nice build quality and at budget prices is what you come to expect from HaikeLite. The UI is ready for those who love ramp or step when go thru the light outputs. The USB Type C charging system is a plus to quickly charge the batteries in the light. The three 18650 cells will need to be a high-quality cell if you want the best performance from this light. This is easier to hold for long periods of time as well verses the larger lights on the market. Please see links below to my online stores plus my discount code:

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https://ban.ggood.vip/UTKb.. (You can use my special discount code: BGBridgTec to save up to 30% on anything in my store.)

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Imalent RS50 Flashlight Kit Review! (20,000 Lumens) (rumble.com)

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Thanks for watching, Take care!



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