The Best Is Yet to Come | Metal Gear Solid | WMGSO's Spring 2024 Full Orchestra Concert

Описание к видео The Best Is Yet to Come | Metal Gear Solid | WMGSO's Spring 2024 Full Orchestra Concert

The Best Is Yet to Come - Metal Gear Solid (1998)
Rika Muranaka, trans. Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh
Arr. Kyle G Jamolin

“Do you remember when the little things made you happy?”

Metal Gear Solid, written and directed by the legendary Hideo Kojima, is actually the third game in the Metal Gear franchise, but remains one of the most memorable entries in the series. Like the rest of the series, the game focuses on stealth as the primary means of accomplishing objectives, instead of overwhelming force. It remains a beloved entry in the franchise in large part due its sweeping cinematic narrative, fully voice-acted cut scenes, and memorable characters.

Already a grizzled veteran by the events of the story, the player character, Solid Snake, is sent to infiltrate a military facility in Alaska taken over by terrorists, led by the rogue special forces unit FOXHOUND. Their demands are the body of the greatest soldier who ever lived, Big Boss, and a hefty ransom, or else they will use the bipedal nuclear weapons platform Metal Gear REX to wreak havoc on the globe. As he defeats them one by one, Snake slowly uncovers secrets of both history and his own past that threaten the fabric of society.

“The Best Is Yet to Come” is the ending theme of the game. It reflects Snake’s development through the game and his feelings that, even after all the things he has seen and gone through as a soldier and warrior, there is hope and love after the flames of the battlefield die out. Translated into Irish for the game by Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh, it was originally performed by Aoife Ní Fhearraigh.

Video Producer: David Werner
Video Director: Jarel Jones
Audio Producers: Cory Lemons, Jimyo Lin
Camera Operators: Jeff Thomas, Mickey Michalik
Onsite Coordinator: Sarah Huntoon
Audio and Video Editing: David Werner

#videogamemusic #metalgearsolid


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