2021 Marucci CAT 9 & CAT Connect Review

Описание к видео 2021 Marucci CAT 9 & CAT Connect Review

Only a few bats have reached the USSSA upper crust like Marucci's CAT serious of bats. Here, we take a first look at the Marucci CAT 9 and CAT 9 Connect in USSSA.

Big fans, as always. These are set to be amazing.

Here's where you can find the Marucci CAT 9 on Marucci's site: https://shrsl.com/2g729

NOTE: Expect to see them on Marucci's site exclusively on 8.21.2020. Expect to find them everywhere by 8.31.2020.

Here is our full review: https://www.justbatreviews.com/baseba...


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