Autumn Leaf | by 紐卡 (紐卡のChen)

Описание к видео Autumn Leaf | by 紐卡 (紐卡のChen)

Track title: 秋葉 Autumn Leaf
Music by: 紐卡 (紐卡のChen)
Image: by 伊吹五月

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The literary artists of ancient China have often associated autumn with a sense of wistful quietude, where the myriad things begin to whither. Those swiftly falling leaves remind them of their own remaining course, inspiring a meditative period of contemplation and pensive creativity. One such example comes from a Ming Dynasty writer known for his rather uneventful life, hence he wrote:

柴米油鹽醬醋茶 Wood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, and tea
般般都在別人家 Every house has them except me
歲暮清淡無一事 Bland were the years and my life is naught
竹堂寺裏看梅花 Yet I relish the plum's blossom in the bamboo court

Do his words resonate with you? ^-^



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