Sul fil d'un soffio etesio, Nannetta's aria from Falstaff by Verdi

Описание к видео Sul fil d'un soffio etesio, Nannetta's aria from Falstaff by Verdi

During the Concert Number 4: Connecting the Dots, presented by Glow Music (

Meg Booker, soprano
Noah Jacobsen, pianist
Kyle Malesevich, recording engineer
Christina Seal, coach

ARCO in Cincinnati, Ohio
April, 2024

[Lyrics and translations]
Sul fil d'un soffio etesio Scorrete, agili larve;
On the breath of an etesian breeze scurry, agile shadows

Fra i rami un baglior cesio d'alba lunare apparve.
among the branches a bluish-grey glow of the rising moon has appeared.

Danzate! e il passo blando misuri un blando suon.
Dance! And may the gentle steps measure a gentle sound,

Le magiche accoppiando carole alla canzon.
combining the magical dances with the song.

Erriam sotto la luna scegliendo fior da fiore,
Let us wander beneath the moon, choosing flower by flower;

Ogni corolla in core porta la sua fortuna.
each crown of petals, in its heart, brings its good fortune.

Coi gigli e le viole scrivian de' nomi arcani,
With the lilies and the violets, let us write secret names;

Dalle fatate mani germoglino parole,
from our enchanted hands may words blossom...

Parole illuminate di puro argento e d'or,
words illuminated by pure silver and gold...

Carni e malie. Le Fate Hanno per cifre i fior.
Magic incantations and charms.
The Faeries have, for alphabet letters, flowers.


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