AdSense Individual or Business? Difference between Individual and Business & Important FAQs

Описание к видео AdSense Individual or Business? Difference between Individual and Business & Important FAQs

In this video we have explained you Big Differences between Business & Individual AdSense accounts & Important Frequently Asked Questions

AdSense account individual or business?
AdSense account business or individual?

Important Questions covered:
AdSense individual vs business?
Can I change my AdSense account type?
Can I have 2 AdSense account?
What is AdSense payment cycle?
Can I have 1 personal and 1 business account?
Can I create AdSense account without having bank account?

Important Highlights:
There's no difference in the services or payment structure between Individual and Business accounts.
Business account payments will be made payable to the Company Name, while Individual accounts are paid out to the Payee Name of the account holder.
Individual account holder’s can’t add other user to manage their payment profile, Business account can’t add other users to manage their payment profile.
Individual can have multiple identity proof to verify their Identity, Business will have limited identity proof for verifications.
A PIN will be sent to address mentioned in the AdSense. You will have to enter that PIN in your account to verify your address.
PIN may take 2-3 weeks to arrive after your request.
Individual will have to pay tax on full amount, Business can show expenditure like equipment purchase, salary etc and subtract it from income and pay tax on remaining amount only.

AdSense Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Who create personal and who create business account?
A. Individual Account is recommended only if you are the only one running your blogs/websites/YouTube.
Business accounts are for those, who have company and owns a blog/website/YouTube or service based websites.

Q. Can I create AdSense account without having bank account?
A. Yes, you can.
To get amount earned in bank, you need to add bank account until then the amount will be in AdSense.
You can even use Western Union or Cheque payments if available in your country

Q. Can I change my account type?
A. No, you can’t.
You need to close you account and then open another account of other type.

Q. Can I have 2 AdSense account?
A. No, you can’t.
You must have only 1 AdSense account.

Q. Can I have 1 personal and 1 business account?
A. Yes, you can!
In that case you only have 1 personal account.
The other account is business account which is a separate entity altogether

Q. PIN sent to my address is not received?
A. You can re-request PIN 3 times after you didn't receive it even after 21 days of your request.
All the 3 PIN will be same, so you can enter any received PIN.

Q. Can I get tracking number of courier from which PIN or Cheque is sent?
A. No, you can’t.
Wait for the PIN to receive, if you do not get in 21 days then re-request again
Similar for Cheque, you can request cheque reissue.

Q. What is AdSense payment cycle?
A. AdSense has monthly payment cycle.
Payment will be made in between the 21st and the 26th of the month.
It may take 7-15 days to show funds in your bank account.

Q. Can I request payment early?
A. No, you can’t.
Payment will be made in between the 21st and the 26th of the month.

Q. My bank account is closed after payment processed?
A. Amount will be returned back to AdSense account after some days.
You can link other bank active bank account and AdSense will reprocess you amount to the newly added active account within the week.

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Music Credit:
Transient by Ghostrifter Official:   / ghostrifter-of.  .

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