Anna Karina with Serge Gainsbourg

Описание к видео Anna Karina with Serge Gainsbourg

Anna Karina sings 'Sous le Soleil Exactement' (Under the Sun Exactly) after a brief chat with Serge - who wrote a TV film 'Anna', starring Anna, including this hit. By 1967 Anna had starred in numerous French films, having been first known as a muse for Jean-Luc Godard. In this year Gainsbourg also collaborated with Bridget Bardot on a TV film with songs, wrote 'Je t'aime... moi non plus' for her, wrote a Eurovision song that came 5th, and conceived a son with his ex-wife whom he divorced in February 1966.

WARNING!! this video is likely to be B L O C K E D VERY SHORTLY - an identical file already has been. Enjoy it while you can...

Serge's lyrics in English: - Under the Sun, Exactly.

A precise point under the Tropic
Of Capricorn or of Cancer
Since then, I've forgotten which one
Under the sun, exactly.
Not by the side, not "anywhere"
Under the sun, under the sun
Exactly, right underneath.

In what country, in what district?
Was it on the sea coast
Since then, I've forgotten which
Under the sun, exactly.
Not by the side, not "anywhere"
Under the sun, under sun
Exactly, right underneath.

Was it New Mexico
Towards Cape Horn
Towards Cape Verde
Was it on an archipelago?

Under the sun, exactly.
Not next to it, not "anywhere"
Under the sun, under the sun
Exactly, right underneath.

Surely it must be an erotic dream
That I dream with my eyes open
However, what if it was real?
Under the sun, exactly.
Not by the side, not "anywhere"
Under the sun, under the sun
Exactly, right underneath.

#AnnaKarina #sergegainsbourg #AnnaFilm @Gazely Gaze


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