More Cytoplasm Circulation and Food Vacuole Formation in a Paramecium

Описание к видео More Cytoplasm Circulation and Food Vacuole Formation in a Paramecium

Sorry for the repeat, but this stuff is endlessly fascinating to me. Rare to get a paramecium to hold still for this kind of extended viewing. Good closeups of the movement of the cell contents being propelled by the steady stream of water intake via the oral grove. Lots of flotsam and jetsam in the current. The last 30 secs show the rapid formation of 5-6 food vacuoles. Clip speeds are as follows; first clip is twice real time, second clip is not sped up, and the third clip is again twice real time. If you look closely at the upper left edge of the cell in the last clip you can also see a water vacuole contracting repeatedly.


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