Lathering with Tim #2 | Face lather using Stirling soap and Maggard synthetic

Описание к видео Lathering with Tim #2 | Face lather using Stirling soap and Maggard synthetic

How I face lather:
1. Start out with Stirling soap and a synthetic brush.
2. Wet the brush and shake off couple times.
3. Load as needed (10-20 seconds for synthetics. 30-60 second + for natural hairs)
4. Paint the lather onto the face for a even spread.
5. Add water to the brush, dripping with the fingers, and paint it evenly.
6. Agitate the lather in circular motion and paint the lather
7. Repeat step 5 & 6 until desired consistency of lather. Lather should be easy to rinse off the razor with water. If the lather is stuck on the razor, it means that the lather is too dry and should add more water.

Products Used:

Soap: Stirling Noir sample (22)
Brush: Maggard 22mm synthetic

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