Tony De Vit Crystal Rooms Oct 1996

Описание к видео Tony De Vit Crystal Rooms Oct 1996

Tony De Vit at the Crystal Rooms 1996

Ok, so this wasnt actually one of my tapes, but someone elses from many years ago.
Quite mad how this isnt already on the Tube, after i did a few scans about, i couldnt find it.

It may be somewhere else where I dont travel to, like other cloud storage, but i couldnt care for those unfortunately and sorry to other users i upset when i say that. I just dont use them.

Only time i went there was at school when I was staring out the window in class. Then getting whacked by the teacher for not listening. I do now :-)

Okies, i hope this is new for some of you. Spent some time trying to get the thing to sound half decent, so fingers crossed, its enjoyable.

If you find the bass is abit too muddy and thudding at high volume and hurting your ears, try and cut the bass down around the 125hz to 150hz range and should remove that almost distorting sound. Some systems wont suffer, tho others might if your speakers are abit weak.

Got a few more here which I will have a look about and see whats what.

Peace out :-)


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