A Tactical RPG Set in France (Let's Look at Jeanne d'Arc)

Описание к видео A Tactical RPG Set in France (Let's Look at Jeanne d'Arc)

Today, the PlayStation Plus Premium Catalogue takes us to 15th century France, as I delve into an unknown genre with Jeanne d'Arc for the PlayStation Portable

That's right, I'm playing my first ever tactical RPG game. It's a genre that I never really had an interest in, I mean, I never played Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem, but, like I said before, the Plus Catalouge is for trying games I would never play as a kid or teen. So how will I fare coming up with a strategy and with an anime version of a historical character? Let's find out

PNG Model by ‪@cielvalkyrie‬
Art by ‪@StarCrossedYT‬
End Card by ‪@DJUnikittyToo‬

#jeannedarc #level5 #playstationpluspremium #pngtuber #retrogaming #playstationportable #tacticalrpg #sonycomputerentertainment


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