3D UTE 31P-MRSI with modified rosette k-space (PETALUTE): Comparison with conventional weighted CSI

Описание к видео 3D UTE 31P-MRSI with modified rosette k-space (PETALUTE): Comparison with conventional weighted CSI

Phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (31P-MRSI) provides valuable non-invasive in vivo information on tissue metabolism but is burdened by poor sensitivity and prolonged scan duration. Ultra-short echo time (UTE) acquisitions minimize signal loss when probing signals with relatively short spin-spin relaxation time (T2), while also preventing first-order dephasing. Here, a three-dimensional (3D) UTE sequence with a rosette k-space trajectory is applied to 31P-MRSI at 3T. Conventional chemical shift imaging (CSI) employs highly regular Cartesian k-space sampling, susceptible to substantial artifacts when accelerated via undersampling. In contrast, this novel sequence’s “petal-like” pattern offers incoherent sampling more suitable for compressed sensing (CS). These results showcase the competitive performance of UTE rosette 31P-MRSI against conventional weighted CSI with simulation, phantom, and in vivo leg muscle comparisons.


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