On eruptive fissures in Grindavik from 2000 years ago and Eldvörp lava (1210-1240) of 20 km2.

Описание к видео On eruptive fissures in Grindavik from 2000 years ago and Eldvörp lava (1210-1240) of 20 km2.

See all the eruptive fissures in Grindavik area where we had eruptions before. This map is from 2010 and as you see, eruptive fissure line of Sundhnukur had been already there. That's where we had most recent eruptions. Msgms is not breaking up anywhere. Old eruptive fissures tell story and can be used to foretell the place of future eruptions. Magma is using "Old plumming systems".

On Reykjanes Fires (Eldvörp lava from 1210-1240) west of Grindavik.

Eldvörp is the name of scoria and spatter cones in off-set sections that form a row of ten kilometers, and it's surrounding lava covering 20 square kilometers. It dates back from a volcano-tectonic episode between 1210 and 1240 called the Reykjanes Fires. At the center of Eldvörp there are geothermal features and a single borehole. Women from Grindavík used to bake bread in the steam from the lava and a trail called Brauðstígur, or the Bread trail, leads there from the town. Remains of human activity can be found in various places in Eldvörp.

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