Why Study at Medical University of Warsaw (MUW) - MBBS Experts Intl - Europe Medical Admissions

Описание к видео Why Study at Medical University of Warsaw (MUW) - MBBS Experts Intl - Europe Medical Admissions

Why Study at Medical University of Warsaw (MUW) - MBBS Experts Intl - Europe Medical Admissions


The 6-Year Medical Program is for high school graduates, as well as, degree holders. It is conducted entirely in English.

At the end of the program, our graduates are awarded the MD degree and receive a medical diploma (dyplom lekarski) recognized in Poland, EU, UK, USA, Canada and most other countries around the world.

The program consists of:
3 pre-clinical years (lectures and seminars) and,
3 years of clinical training.

Student clinical training takes place at 6 of our teaching hospitals and affiliated hospitals across Warsaw and, at our Medical Simulation Centre. Our students complete a Register of Student Skills essential for medical practice.

We offer teaching that goes beyond the standard requirements: more than 5700 hours of teaching and training and over 360 ECTS.

Our diploma is accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, Medical Board of California, Malaysian Medical Council, and Medical Council of Thailand.

Since 1993, more than 1300 international students from over 60 different countries graduated.

For any further information, services related to your admissions in Poland or elsewhere in Europe, Schengen state, please don't hesitate to contact anytime the #MBBS_Experts_International who are the Exclusive #Official_Representatives of many top ranked International Medical, Engineering and Technical universities of Europe.

Thank you

#MBBS_Experts_International #Official_Representatives
(MBBS Study Consultants For Europe)
Islamabad, Pak
Overseas Branches: Belarus | Romania | Bulgaria | Serbia | Azerbaijan | Russia | Latvia | Egypt | Georgia
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: wa.me/+923058919363
Web: mbbsabroadpk.com

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