Deira Gold Souk Abra trip from Bur Dubai + Herbal Tea & Spice demo

Описание к видео Deira Gold Souk Abra trip from Bur Dubai + Herbal Tea & Spice demo

Taking Abra from Bur Dubai to Deira Gold Souk.

Abra (local boat) has always been my favorite travel choice going to Deira. For one, it's really inexpensive, only AED 2 for a 1 way trip plus you get to experience it. Then its a lot faster way of travelling to Deira as you avoid the usual heavy traffic.

The herbal tea & spices demo was unforgettable. Though the demo experience was great (entertaining and with complimentary delicious Saffron tea), at the end, we ended up not buying anything 😁. With great presention, come great price! i mean unbelievably pricey!

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