batfamily; warriors

Описание к видео batfamily; warriors

Watch in HD, pls.

Coloring by xXWhisperOfDreamsXx tutorials.

Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman
Jack Falahee as Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Matthew Daddario as Jason Todd/Red Hood
Dylan O'Brien as Tim Drake/Robin (not Red Robin yet)
David Mazouz as Damian Wayne (not an ideal pick, I know. But his scenes worked just fine. Just ignore I've used one of his scenes as younger!Bruce tho)
Rachel Nichols as Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/Oracle
Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth
Berenice Marlohe as Talia al Ghul

Yay, habemus Tim! I've picked Dylan for convenience only, because I had enough footage to make it work. Same with David for Damian. I'm also ridiculously lazy and re-used a bunch of scenes and manips from my previous video. I wish I could say I was sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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