Top 10 Wildlife Photography Tips

Описание к видео Top 10 Wildlife Photography Tips

These are the Top 10 Photography Tips specifically for Wildlife Photography.

Klaus Tiedge is German born South African Resident who has build his Pride of Africa Fine art (Limited Edition) Photographic Collection from his many travels into Africa.

On his most recent trip to the Maasai Mara he took a few moments to share his top 10 tips for wildlife photography with you. Here they are again:

Tip 1 - Capture the Story

It is very important to document the story a picture. What happened before during and after the picture was taken? Write it down so that you can share it when you publish your work.

Tip 2 - Practice Patience

You need to get comfortable with waiting. Its hard work when you need to be on standby for a moment that goes by in a flash. Make sure you have snacks and drinks and practice patience as much as you can.

Tip 3 - Respect the Aninimals

Be quiet. Be Still. You are in the animals world now. Fast movements distract the animals and can ruin a great picture.

Tip 4 - Golden Hour

The best light is always in the morning and evening. Make sure to spend most of your time out during dusk and dawn. The animals are also more active at this time.

Tip 5 - Double back up

When you out in nature make sure to back up everything twice and keep the harddrive apart for maximum safety.

Tip 6 - Shoot for yourself

Don't forget to play and have fun. There can be a lot of pressure to get the shot in the small window you are given. But just remember that this is something for you, not a boss.

Tip 7 - Capture the habitat

Including the habitat means you are telling more of the story. Where are the animals? It is also a way to add more levels into the picture.

Tip 8 - Angle to subject

Get a low angle. This is the most important thing to me. Get the camera in eye-line with the animals (or below) Low angle always wins.

Tip 9 - Bean Bags

Bean Bags are more versatile than a tripod. you can jump around and reset the frame easily.

Tip 10 - Don't wait for inspiration

The best way to stay inspired is to keep working. Head out and be inspired by yourself. Waiting for the right conditions is not going to cut it.

Bonus Tip - Get a good guide.

A well connected guide with good 4x4 skills can make or break a wildlife photographer. Find someone to team up with long term.

Please visit for more info and to view Klaus Tiedge's Pride of Africa Collection


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