10 Levels In 2 Hours - Quickest Way To Get Through Early Levels - Everquest Project 1999

Описание к видео 10 Levels In 2 Hours - Quickest Way To Get Through Early Levels - Everquest Project 1999

I always dread the first 10-20 levels for any new character. You don't have any of your tools... your weak... and it's painfully slow getting to the fun part of your class.

Because of that, I've tested many ways to level your character quickly in these early levels. Obviously, your best bet is to get a druid or bard to power level you... but not all of us have that close max lvl friend who wants to spend a few hours helping you.

I've tried doing quest turn ins like Crushbone belts, greater lightstones, and goblin ears... Even though, these work very well, they can cost you a pretty penny plus you'll need to do multiple trips of full inventory to make it through all the levels. Also... many of these quests were nerfed to give much less exp than they once did.

So, after all that, I've come to this method which is now my favorite to grind out those first 10 levels (and often can get it to take me to 12-15). This method requires the use of a Brazier of Elemental Summoning. For only a few hundred platinum, you can use this fire pet to "burn" through your first levels ;).


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