यति कुरा हेरेर किने सेयर बजारमा कहिलै घाटा हुदैन | Ratio Analysis | PEG Ratio| PE Ratio| EPS |Part 5

Описание к видео यति कुरा हेरेर किने सेयर बजारमा कहिलै घाटा हुदैन | Ratio Analysis | PEG Ratio| PE Ratio| EPS |Part 5

यति कुरा हेरेर किने सेयर बजारमा कहिलै घाटा हुदैन | Ratio Analysis | PEG Ratio| PE Ratio| EPS |Part 5

IPO IPO/(दोस्रो बजार) को SHARE कहिले बेच्ने ? कहिले किन्ने ?वा कहिले सम्मन HOLD गर्ने ?|सम्पूर्ण जानकारी :    • IPO/(दोस्रो बजार) को SHARE कहिले बेच्...  
Fundamental Analysis " Part -1" Link :   • Fundamental Analysis  गरेर COMPANY  क...  
Balance Sheet Analysis Video :    • How to analyze Balance Sheet of Compa...  
Fundamental Analysis Full Series :    • Fundamental Analysis For Beginners  

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SHARE MARKET for beginners series :    • शेयर बजार नै हो छोटो समयमा करोडपती बन...  

P/E RATIO , FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS VIDEO :    • दोस्रो बजारमा SHARE छनोट गर्ने तरिकाह...  

र्अथतन्त्र र र्मौद्रिक नितिले सेयर बजारमा कस्तो असर पर्ला ?:मौद्रिक निति भनेको के? :   • मौद्रिक नितिले सेयर बजारमा कस्तो असर ...  

Hello Everyone and Welcome to our Youtube Cnannel GYANmandu. In this video , We will be Discussing How to Analyze Profit and Loss Account of a Company.

How to Read & Analyze a Profit and Loss Account ?

Ratio analysis is a quantitative procedure of obtaining a look into a firm’s functional efficiency, liquidity, revenues, and profitability by analysing its financial records and statements. Ratio analysis is a very important factor that will help in doing an analysis of the fundamentals of equity.

Analysts and investors make use of the methods for ratio analysis to study and evaluate the fiscal wellbeing of businesses by closely examining the historical performance and monetary statements.

Comparative data and analysis can give an insight into the performance of the business over a given period of time by comparing it with the industry standards. At the same time, it also measures how well a business racks up against other businesses functioning in the same sector.

In this video, we have mainly covered the following things:
0:00 Introduction
0:05 Investor Vs Speculator
2:41 Ratio Analysis Rules
6:30 E.P.S ( Earning Per Share )
8:04 Return on Equity
9:28 Net Worth Per Share
10:08 P/E Ratio
11:52 PEG Ratio
14:44 P/B Ratio
15:42 Dividend Yield

Since it’s part 5 of the Fundamental Analysis Series video, the remaining sections of the series which are Ratio Analysis of Banks,Hydropower Analysis... are to be covered in coming parts 6,7 and so on.

Therefore, if you are keen to learn theFundamental Analysis from basic to advanced, then you must watch our series of videos on YouTube of Fundamental Analysis For Beginners
:    • Fundamental Analysis For Beginners  .


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How to Analyze Profit and Loss Account in Nepali
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