The Matrix | Agent Smith Fooled by The Eyes Of The Oracle

Описание к видео The Matrix | Agent Smith Fooled by The Eyes Of The Oracle

The Oracle could have ran just like Neo but their lives tied to their beliefs and actions left them with no option but to submit to their intuition. Both saw options that would cost them their lives and both understood their personal reasons for why. Neo would either watch everyone including trinity die or Neo would make the choice to sacrifice trinity the very source of his motivation to continue Fighting/Living. Once he lost her he only fought for peace but had no intentions on survival because their was no him without her. He would continue fighting and trusting in the vision that there would be a way to win and unwinnable fight. Once he heard the oracle speak though smith he understood that he was the end of the war. When he gave up fighting their was no need to balance the infinite power he possessed through his unrestrained belief and without Trinity he would not have a reason to fight. Thus the Oracle set the wheels of causality into effect by programming the development of this connection to an individual that he placed above that of every other human life.


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