Equine Herpes Virus: can we defeat a uniquely challenging foe? - Lutz Goehring

Описание к видео Equine Herpes Virus: can we defeat a uniquely challenging foe? - Lutz Goehring

Prof. Lutz Goehring is Head of Equine Medicine and Reproduction at Ludwig-Maximilian University, in Munich, Germany. Prof Goehring is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and has a distinguished research career focussed on the pathogenesis of equine herpes myeloencephalopathy. In this presentation, he discusses the unique features of equine herpes virus and presents strategies for prevention of these conditions.

To conclude, the topic is discussed by trustees of Beaufort Cottage Educational Trust and equine clinicians, Nick Wingfield-Digby, Celia Marr and Fred Barrelet. They are joined by Ian Cameron, who is a member of the stud farm team at Rossdales LLP, Newmarket. Ian has published recently on equine herpes abortion in the UK.


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