Quaternary Man (Remaster) | Journey to the Centre of the Earth | Rick Wakeman Project

Описание к видео Quaternary Man (Remaster) | Journey to the Centre of the Earth | Rick Wakeman Project

Excerto do show "Journey to the Center of the Earth" realizado pela banda Rick Wakeman Project, no Teatro UMC, São Paulo (SP), Brasil, em julho de 2017.

"Quaternary Man" é música do álbum "Journey to the Center of the Earth", de Rick Wakeman.

"Journey through the centuries the guardian angel of time
One hundred thousand years had passed by with no reason to find
Introducing undiscovered quaternary man
Missing from the devolutionary plancaught in time no man waits left in piece to lesser discovery
Left alone out it takes
Broken time and changing the scenery
Introducing quaternary man
Quaternary man
Lost in the silence as nature begins to reveal
All of the secrets it hoped would forever conceal
Facing discover no anonymity here
Welcome to a time of respect for the advent of fear
Introducing quaternary man
Constant time no man wait, left in piece to lesser discovery
Left alone out it takes
Broken time that changing the scenery
Introducing quaternary man
No breath of life ever lost of a meaning to hide
As nature unlocks the door all is frozen inside
Lost in the age by a siding an age by our side"

Formação deste show:
Renato Moog - Teclados, transcrição full score e orquestraçāo (VST"s), samples, sequences
Cassiano MusicMan - Bateria, percussão
Jonathas Queiroz - Guitarra, violão e voz
Sandro Premmero - Contrabaixo e voz
Aline Polisello - Voz, piano e flauta
Carina Assencio - Voz
Regina Migliore - voz
Harley Nóbrega - Narração

[email protected]

[email protected]
Rick Wakeman Project
Edição de vídeo: raindrops studio

#keybordists #rickwakeman #journeytothecentreoftheearth #moog #clavinethohner #progressive #rockprogressive #rockprogresivo #tecladistas #hammondorgan


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