【財富咒語】真正發財法門 召喚財富 驅除求財路上的惡運

Описание к видео 【財富咒語】真正發財法門 召喚財富 驅除求財路上的惡運


#財富咒語 #龍婆班 #LPParn

【財富咒語】真正發財法門 召喚財富 驅除求財路上的惡運 #財富咒#招財咒#最強金運#財運咒語#財運#財神咒#財運音樂#财运咒#财运#财富咒語#龍婆班 #LPParn#金運石#香港水晶店#水晶fiona

聽什麼咒語 可以發財?
泰國龍婆班【財富咒語】就是出名的真正發財法門 , 能召喚財富咒語, 驅除求財路上的惡運!

我們所有人的心中都有一個神聖的空間,這個咒語中的音節將激活脈輪中心,與更高的維度建立聯繫,以獲得精神指導和幫助。 效果多快,效果如何,要看個人積累的功德。 (每個人都有一定的累積功德。)

重複聽這個咒語, 再戴上適合招財水晶, 能加強激活和充電脈輪中心。一直聽到最後,以獲得最佳效果。

其實E個咒最好放在你 YouTube 的自我收藏中 在夜間睡覺中重覆播放!

平時大約聽一個鐘 (因一個鐘等於這個咒語行了 108次有多, 是一個小圓滿!)

一路聽一路覺得D$入左你身上 然後發白日夢覺得自己要D$"已到左"!

仲有, 真係儘量係E個時候 ,戴住水晶鏈啊, 係可以放大能量的♥️, 因水晶和咒語都是行"撓場效應"的, 兩樣野加埋時, 撓場效應的能量會隨而增加很多的!

若想了解甚麼是撓場效應, 以下這部影片有詳細解釋的~   • 唔覺水晶手鏈靈驗! 又或者要戴幾耐條水晶手鏈 才有效果?!  #水晶大迷信...  

若想選擇那個水晶手鏈與這個咒語最配合, 我會強烈建議"金運石"水晶. 若想了解更多, 請到以下鏈結看看啊!

(熟悉泰國咒語/法門 , 都知這個咒是非常堅的!最重要是要有耐性!)


源起龍婆班有一個在另外一個廟的黃尚朋友 , 那個黃尚為他廟的財政很苦惱, 於是龍婆班教他念這個咒, 這個黃尚對這個咒非常有信心, 所以日夜有時間都念, 果然很快地, 在幾個月內解决寺廟的財政問題.

龍婆班曾叮囑他的黃尚朋友, 不要收埋這個咒語, 要向外公開!熟悉這個咒語的人, 都沒有人感沒有用的!

這是一個比較長的泰國咒語, 原文是 bali language, 所以未必適合不熟悉泰佛的人念讀的, 亦未必有心機念的!但每個咒音都有其獨特音頻, 只要你有信心地聽, 有耐性地連續聽, 亦會得到非常好的效果!

【請留意我新出E條片的籌款活動 是我在youtube認可和指定的善事機構中選擇出來的, 捐款是可以為自己累積眾大功德的, 這會加速你聽這條片的財神咒效果數十倍.】

💥 再此聲明~本公司不會在這影片籌款中, 得到一分一毫的利益/任何佣金, 這全由 Youtube 負責, 把所有善款交到這機構中; 亦沒有受 YouTube 任何贊助的 這是一個純「自願式」行為!💥 我們亦把這影片的「廣告功能」全關閉, 好讓大家不受任何廣告干擾!


"What mantra can make you wealthy?" The Thai monk LP Parn's "Wealth Mantra" is a famous method to truly gain wealth by summoning the mantra for fortune and driving away any ill fortune on the path to financial success.

We all have a sacred space in our hearts, and the syllables in this mantra activate the chakra center, connecting us to higher dimensions for spiritual guidance and assistance. The speed and effects of the mantra depend on the individual's accumulated merits. (Everyone has some accumulated merits.)

By repeatedly listening to this mantra and wearing a suitable crystal for attracting wealth, you can enhance and recharge the chakra center. Listening until the end will give the best results.

In fact, it’s best to put this mantra in your YouTube playlist and listen to it repeatedly while sleeping at night.

Alternatively, you can listen to it for about an hour during the day (since an hour is equivalent to the mantra being chanted 108 times which is a small perfection!)

Listening to it continuously can make you feel as though you have become rich, and you'll start daydreaming about having the wealth you desire.

Moreover, it would be best to wear a crystal necklace when listening to the mantra to amplify its energy. Crystals and mantras both exhibit the "torsion effect," so their combined effect can increase the energy greatly.

If you want to know more about what torsion effects are, there is a video linked in the text that explains it in detail.
   • 唔覺水晶手鏈靈驗! 又或者要戴幾耐條水晶手鏈 才有效果?!  #水晶大迷信...  

"If you want to choose the crystal bracelet that matches this spell the most, I strongly recommend the crystal called "Hypersthene crystal stone." If you want to know more, please click on the link below!"

Familiarity with Thai mantras/methods is essential to derive the full benefits of this mantra and method. Patience is also key!

Why is this mantra so strong? LP Parn had a monk friend who had serious financial issues in his temple. LP Parn taught him this mantra, and this monk had faith in it, so he chanted it day and night. Within a few months, he was able to solve the temple's financial problems.

LP Parn instructed the monk not to keep this mantra hidden but to share it with others. Anyone familiar with this mantra knows that it is powerful, and no one thinks it's useless.

This is a relatively long Thai mantra, written in the Bali language, so it may not be suitable for those unfamiliar with Thai Buddhism to read. However, every mantra conveys unique acoustic frequencies, and if you listen to it with faith and patience, you will get excellent results!

Please note that the fundraising campaign for my new video was selected from a charity organization that I recognize and designated on YouTube. Donations can accumulate great merits for oneself and can accelerate the effect of listening to the Wealth Mantra in this video tens of times.

I hereby declare that our company will not receive any benefit or commission from this fundraising campaign on the video. This is entirely managed by YouTube, which will donate all funds to the designated organization. We have not received any sponsorship from YouTube, and this is a purely voluntary act! We have also disabled the "advertising function" of this video to prevent any advertising interference with the audience.

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