AGI Home Plot Loan Car Loan Bike Personal Loan SBI Bank PNB Army Group Insurance JCO OR Army Defence

Описание к видео AGI Home Plot Loan Car Loan Bike Personal Loan SBI Bank PNB Army Group Insurance JCO OR Army Defence

प्रिय मित्रों,

सैनिक वेलफेर समाचार एक हिन्दी न्यूज चैनल है जहां सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट के कर्मचारियों की हर खबर देख सकते है सबसे पहले इस चैनल का उद्देश्य सरकारी और गैर सरकारी कर्मचारियों को उनकी सेवा संबंधी विविध विषयों की जानकारी प्रदान करना है। दोस्तों आपको एक ही स्थान पर सभी नियम, अधिनियम, सूचना, कार्य संबंधी ज्ञापन, अनुबोधक तथा सरकारी विभाग संबंधी सभी महत्वपूर्ण समाचारों को साधारण भाषा में आप तक पहुंचाने का प्रयास किया जाएगा जिससे आप इनका लाभ अपने जीवन में उठा सकें। इस (सैनिक वेल्फेर समाचार) चैनल पर आने वाले सभी साथियों के साथ परस्पर संवाद द्वारा नवीन विषयों पर अध्ययन कर सकूँगा तथा विशेष प्रयास रहेगा कि आपकी हर जरुरतों, समस्याओ एवं संशयों का शीघ्रातिशीघ्र निदान कर सकें। इस चैनल के विस्तार एवं विकास हेतु आपके महत्वपूर्ण सुझाव एवं सहायता सदैव अभिनंदनीय है। सैनिकों की सहायता हेतु मैं निरंतर । We provide simple understandable information from news directly provided by Government of India!

By: Sainik Welfare Samachar

бивелике Ale Scheme (Retirel wef 91.un 2029). & 12,000/- per month per child for upto tiro spectally abled
children el service personnel who die in harness while in service. Eligibility conditions are as under dity as certifed by medical authority, must not be less than 40%
Chid must be unable to earn a living
Diabilry ef the child shoold munifed Itself before the death of the service pers while in service.
The diablties covered in the scheme are as follions:
Antitie Spectrum Disorders.
Cerebral Palsy
Mental Retardation
• Multiple Disabilties such as Blindoess, Low Vision, Leprosy, Hearing Impuirment, Locomotor Disability and
Meetal Ilness
House Building Advance (HBA)
Maximum HBA of 2 80 Lakhs, 2 35 Lakhs, 2 30 Lakhs is permisuble for Officers, ICOs and OR respectively for
purchase construction of noose
HBA for purchase of plot and construction of house on it (one Integrated project) is also permitted.
Rate of Interest (ROT) is at 7.5% pa for Officers and 7% pa for |COw/OR.
Duration is upto 20 years or 6 months before retirement in present rank whichever is earlier.
In addition HBA for Repair/ Alteration is also permissible for 2 20 Lakhs to all members.ROl on repair/ alteration of existing house is 8% pa for Officers and 7.5% pa for |COs/OR. Both types of advances can be availed concurrently.
On completion of 1* HBA for purchase/ construction of house, 2** HBA is now permitted for balance amount at same rate of interest @ 7.5% for officer and 7% for |COwOR.
The HBA application has now been simplified alongwith reduction of pre approval documents required for case of
Conveyance Advance (CA)
Four Wheelers 2 20 Lakh for Officers and 2 10 Lakh for JCO/OR.
• Four Wheelers (EV) 2 25 Lakh for Officers and 2 15 Lakh for |COs/OR.
Two Wheelers ? 10 Lakh for Officers and ? 2 Lakh for ICOs/OR.
• ROl on all types of CA is 8.25% pa.
• CA is permissible only three times in entire service out of which four wheeler advance is restricted to two times.
Personal Computer Advance (PCA)
Maximum amount for PCA is 22 Lakh (wef Apr 202
ommissioning and JCOs/OR on completion of 2 years of service) for all members.
ROI is 8.5% pa.
Second PCA may be avalled on liquidation of first.
Contact Us: AGIF
Help Desk (Claim Division) : 011-26145709, 011-26143393, (Loan Division) : 011-26148654, 011-26148055,
011-26143693, (Exchange) : 011-26142749, 011-26145058
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Baatcheet August 2024


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