Bird Flu & Swine Flu | Science & Technology | Nikhil | Tone Academy

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Bird Flu & Swine Flu | Science & Technology | Nikhil | Tone Academy

What is bird flu?
Bird flu or avian influenza is a disease caused by avian influenza Type A viruses found naturally in wild birds worldwide.
The most common strain of the virus that causes severe respiratory disease in birds is H5N1.
However, other strains, such as H7N1, H8N1, or H5N8, also cause bird flu.
Reason For Frequent Occurrence of Bird Flu
Migration of Virus: Migratory birds from faraway countries in the northern hemisphere such as Mongolia and Kazakhstan are said to have brought the virus to India.
Destination: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than half of the world’s bird flu incidents take place in the Central Asian Flyway (CAF), which covers almost the entire Indian subcontinent.
Man-Made Reason: Further, WHO believes that continuous growth in poultry farming under poor sanitary conditions was sustaining the virus, with multiple susceptible species living in the same area.
What Are the Types of Bird Flu?
The bird flu virus, avian influenza A, is divided into two main categories:
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) causes more serious illness in chickens and is more likely to kill them.
Should eating Chicken be avoided?
How to identify if someone has Bird Flu – Symptoms?
What are risk factors of developing The Bird Flu?
How is the Bird Flu diagnosed?
Threats Emanating From Bird Flu
Economic Impact:
Preventive Measures:
Curative Measures:
What is H1N1?
H1N1 flu is also known as swine flu. It's called swine flu because in the past, the people who caught it had direct contact with pigs.
What is its geographical spread?
The statistics of the Integrated Disease Surveillance Project of the Health Department shows that there have been 233 confirmed cases of H1N1 this year till date, including 16 deaths.
What are ABC guidelines?
The Centre has come up with exhaustive guidelines for the States to follow for combating the H1N1 outbreak.

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What is the way ahead?
The public should take care to seek professional care if mild influenza, cough, cold with fever or respiratory distress do not subside in a reasonable time.
World Organisation for Animal Health
China has reported the first case of human infection with the H10N3 strain of bird flu in Jiangsu province.

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