Hidden Motorized Door in Floor for Wine Cellar

Описание к видео Hidden Motorized Door in Floor for Wine Cellar

Motorized door to future wine cellar. The actuator and remote are made by Ecoworthy and sold together on Amazon. The hinges are SOSS Invisible Hinges. Door was put in before tiling by talented woodworker, Ty Fitzsimmons (http://www.tyswoodworking.com/) in Orange, CA. I then tiled over it, doing my best to line it up with seams in the tile. If you are doing a similar project, you may want to design the size of the door so that it will have full tiles on it and the seam of the door will match up with the seam of the tiles. The current setup with the actuator is temporary, I'm planning to build that into the stair design long term.


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