Getting Started with Docker GenAI Stack

Описание к видео Getting Started with Docker GenAI Stack

The GenAI Stack came about through a collaboration between Docker, Neo4j, LangChain, and Ollama. The goal of the collaboration was to create a pre-built GenAI stack of best-in-class technologies that are well integrated, come with sample applications, and make it easy for developers to get up and running.

The GenAI Stack is a one-stop shop for getting started with GenAI app development. It is basically a set of Docker containers that are orchestrated by Docker Compose. It provides all the tools and resources you need to build and run GenAI apps, without having to worry about setting up and configuring everything yourself. It makes it easy to build and run AI apps that can generate text, code, and other creative content.

In this session, Ajeet will discuss about the GenAI Stack and its goodness.


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