Pass data between two forms in C#

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App tutorial to show how to manage a list of names using two forms. Sort a list of strings, add elements, remove elements from the list. Use BindingSource, DataSource, Form open, Form ShowDialog, Form Show, Close and ListBox1. Show vs ShowDialog

0:00 Preview of the app - listbox, binding course, hide and show forms, custom dialog box
3:30 Create the GUI - add listbox and buttons to the form
6:20 Add second form for data entry to the project
8:00 Show a second form and hide the first form. show vs showdialog
12:00 Create a list of names to manage. Provide initial values on form constructor
13:30 Binding Source and Data source
16:00 Create receive data method to accept data from another form
20:00 Static list vs standard list
24:28 Delete an item from the list
31:00 Sort the list
33:33 Restrict drop down list options
34:30 Summary of key learnings


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