What About The Thief On the Cross?

Описание к видео What About The Thief On the Cross?

(1) The Similarity between the Thief and a Penitent Sinner Today
It is valuable to remember that both are saved by God’s grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-10). How did the thief demonstrate his faith?
(A) He changed from mocking Jesus and rebuked the other thief (Luke 23:40).
(B) He confessed that Jesus was innocent, unlike himself (vs. 41).
(C) He believed both in the resurrection and Jesus’ Lordship over His kingdom (vs.42).
(2) The Difference between the Thief and a Penitent Sinner Today
(A) The thief lived and died under the Old Covenant, while people today live under the New Covenant (Hebrews 9:7).
(B) Jesus had the authority to forgive sins while on the earth (Matthew 9:1-8). Therefore, Jesus
(C) Christian baptism is an act of faith that mirrors the death of Christ (see Romans 6:1-7). Since
(D) It was not until after Jesus’ resurrection that He authorized His disciples to spread the Christian gospel (Luke 24:46-47)


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