Water and Ice | Crash Course Cryosphere #1

Описание к видео Water and Ice | Crash Course Cryosphere #1

In this episode we take a look at how much water there is in the solar system and how water turns to ice. Lots more to come over the next 9 episodes!

Check out the questionnaire linked below to test where your icy knowledge is before the series, we will run the test again at the end of the series to see if we have managed to transfer any knowledge!

Do leave any questions you have in the comments below and we will do our best to answer them for the two hours after upload.

Questionnaire: https://goo.gl/forms/FzJsYec55A3spN812

- References and sources:
The following sources where used in the writing of this episode and their contribution is gratefully acknowledged:

- Further reading
The core text books for much of the material covered here and in the rest of the series are:
Benn, D. and Evans, D.J., 2014. Glaciers and glaciation. Routledge.
Paterson, W.S.B., 2016. The physics of glaciers. Elsevier.
Baffin Island Lava:
Hallis, L. J., Huss, G. R., Nagashima, K., Taylor, G. J., Halldórsson, S. A., Hilton, D. R., Mottl, M. J., and Meech, K. J. (2015) Evidence for Primordial Water in Earth's Deep Mantle, Science, v. 350, p. 795-797, doi: 10.1126/science.aac4834.

- Image credits
Unless otherwise noted on the image, all images used in this video are credited to Wikimedia Commons and are under the creative commons non-attribution licence.
The Scott Polar Research Institute & Museum retain all copyright to the logo, artefacts and buildings pictured. The British Antarctic Survey retains all copyright to the library footage used. All such images are used with permission for educational non-profit.

- Correction:
At 4:30 the graphic should read "Chemosynthetic pathway" instead of "Photosynthetic pathway"

- Disclaimer:
Whilst the information provided here is correct at the time of release to the best of our knowledge it is not guaranteed to be free from error. This video is an introduction to the topics covered and not a substitute for in-depth reading and teaching.
Please note: this is not an official Crash Course as it's not hosted on the official channel, nor are we claiming to be associated with the official Crash Course. We're using their format with a twist to educate you about science. Please don't sue us Hank, we're just trying to do some good.

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Thanks to Vlogbrothers for their sponsorship of this video. Money from the Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck contributed to equipment used in this video.

ReCoVER is funded by the EPSRC under grant number EP/M008495/1


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