S1: Jericho | E3: Qumran Caves (Dead Sea Scrolls) - Palestine Travel Series

Описание к видео S1: Jericho | E3: Qumran Caves (Dead Sea Scrolls) - Palestine Travel Series

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The Qumran caves are the site where a Palestine shepherd discovered ancient dead sea scrolls in 1946! He found over 2,000 scrolls in 11 different caves in the region. These scrolls are believed to be written around 150 B.C and 70 A.D. Many of these scrolls were found in clay jars and are well preserved.

The Qumran caves are 1.6 KM from the west of the Dead Sea. Many other discoveries were found in the area! We will be showing you how they lived during that time. Pottery and water reservation techniques were very impressive. We hope you enjoy our latest episode.

New Episode every Thursday!

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Penny Appeal USA is a nonprofit development organization working to alleviate poverty through both long term sustainable programs and emergency relief in over 30 countries. One of PA USA’s key focus areas in Palestine. PA USA’s projects stretch all over Palestine from Gaza to the West Bank, providing essential support to the Palestinian People.

Join Penny Appeal in securing the future of Palestinian families. Visit: https://pennyappealusa.org/palestine to learn more about their programs and to donate.


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