The amazing time of birth and the extraordinary childhood of Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda

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Part 1,The name Vishwananda comes from Vishwa and Ananda. Vishwa means the universal and Ananda means bliss, hence universal bliss. Guruji was born on June 13th 1978 on the island of Mauritius. Mauritius is an island situated east of Madagascar and geographically it forms part of Africa. Culturally, however, it is much more part of India. The people of Mauritius are a mix of Indians, Africans, Chinese, Arabs, and Europeans. They live in peace together.
Once Guruji told PP that he can remember his birth at the Hospital in Mauritius.
Here is the amazing date of birth and extraordinary childhood of Paramahamsa Swami Vishwananda, the childhood of a realized being. Among the masters, he is the Master, the true Master. It was evening approx. 7 pm and at this time the sun had already set down. So outside was dark. Shortly the electricity went out in the hospital and suddenly the delivery room was full of light and the baby came out. The doctor thought it was a ray of the sun but there was no sun at this time. Before coming on earth in this life, Guruji said that he was training with Sarasvati to sing.
In Mauritius, shortly after a child is born, it is customary for the parents to consult a priest to advise them on the child’s stars and planet position at the time of birth, to give a name to the baby. It was revealed by the family priest that Guruji’s name should be Mahadev, which is the name of Lord Shiva.
The priest told them that the time of his birth was very auspicious!
As at the time of birth Parvati and Shiva were taking their daily stroll around the universe and that they were passing by at that exact hour. The parents who grew up as well in Mauritius lovingly called him Visham.
In his early childhood, Swami lived in his parent’s home in Rose-Hill, Mauritius.
Their apartment was in the back of his grandparents’ house, so he grew up amidst aunts, uncles, grandmother and a lot of family members.

When he was 1 year old, at this time in Mauritius, like in a village in India, everyone knew everyone else, living in the vicinity. Unlike towns where people do not know their neighbor, in Mauritius people in close proximity were like one big family and everyone talked to everyone else. The mother remembers:
“Even at the age of one year, it was apparent that Visham was different from other children. Normally a child asks for sweets, cakes or toys, but my son never asked for those things. He would say: ‘Give me incense; give me camphor to make yajnas and prayers.’ When I answered him saying that I do not have those things, he would say: ‘You go buy or let’s go shop.’ When I went shopping with him, Visham would ask me to buy ingredients to make his yagna: agarbatti, incense and camphor.

At the age of one and a half, Visham was just beginning to walk. Yet unlike other children his age, he prayed and prayed all the time, to connect with the Divine, said the mother. Visham’s grandmother would go to the temple every morning and evening. From the time that Visham was small onward, he could be found by the side of his grandmother going to the temple for morning and evening prayers. My sister used to say: ‘How can you have a son like that? You never pray.’
I would answer her, ‘I really don’t know; he always has been interested in God.’ The mother believed in God but she did not feel the impetus from within to pray or go to the temple and put water on the Shiva Lingam. Now she goes to prayers and rituals.”
Guruji was only one and a half years old when he started doing haven, the fire ceremony called yajna. He made a big fire in the middle of the kitchen that threatened to set the kitchen on fire. All the people who were there were scared, but the mother was not scared and nothing troublesome actually happened.
Swami Vishwavijayananda (Swami Pepe) travels all over the world. He is a Swami of Bhakti Marga, initiated in 2008 by Paramahamsa Vishwananda, and lives at the Ashram in Germany: Shree Peetha Nilaya (SPN). Bhakti Marga, Bhakti the Path of Devotion, was founded by Paramahamsa Vishwananda in 2005.


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