ORDO VIRTUTUM by Hildegard von Bingen

Описание к видео ORDO VIRTUTUM by Hildegard von Bingen

Ordo Virtutum by Hildegard von Bingen

Saint Hildegard (1098-1179) was the founder and first abbess of the Benedictine community in Bingen, Germany. The tenth child born into an aristocratic family, she was given to the Church at a young age, and lived a famously spiritual life. She was most famous during her lifetime as a visionary and a prophet, regularly receiving visions from the Holy Spirit (the “living Light”). Hildegard was aware that she was part of a social and religious elite, and was highly outspoken about her mission and her gifts, but she championed humility and charity above all virtues. She was exceedingly brave and unusual in her choice to become a female leader at this time—to her knowledge, she was the first female to begin writing in the name of God, and to travel to preach publicly. She also founded two nunneries despite the opposition of male superiors in the Church. Later medieval generations remembered Hildegard as prophet, and her unique spiritual contributions continue to inspire people today. She was a prolific writer and well-known composer, and among her surviving works are a Christian doctrine uniting ethics and metaphysics, an encyclopedia of herbal medicine and natural science, many letters to people from around Europe and from every societal class who sought her advice on every imaginable problem, mystical poetry, and a body of music including seventy liturgical songs and the Ordo Virtutum, the first known morality play.


Sarah Beaty
Lauren Davis
Angie Engelbart
Hilary Fraser-Thompson
Elise Groves
Phoebe J. Rosquist
Katina Mitchell
Kara Morgan
Lindsay Patterson
Amelia Tobiason
Argenta Walther
Jordan Reddout Wilhoit

Andrea Zomorodian

Mark McClain Wilson

Rissi Zimmermann

Arthur Omura
Alexa Pilon
Juliette Primrose
Ned Tipton

Patriarchae et prophetae:
Nathan Dougherty
Christopher Gravis
Dermot Kiernan
David Yang

Patricia McKee
Katina Mitchell
Ned Tipton

Edition by Ned Tipton

Performed and recorded live at St. John's Cathedral, Los Angeles. Costumes inspired by Hildegard's visions with custom jewelry designed for this production by Eric Ruyak of Hespera Designs. Supertitle translations by Justin Haynes.


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