The Khorasan Flags Will Save Palestine

Описание к видео The Khorasan Flags Will Save Palestine

The Role of Khorasan in Islamic End Times: Flags That Will Save Jerusalem

In this video, we explore the prophetic significance of Khorasan and its role in the Islamic End Times. According to Hadith, Khorasan—historically located in parts of modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia—is central to the events leading up to the Day of Judgment. The “Black Flags” that will emerge from Khorasan hold deep meaning, symbolizing a force that will rise to liberate Jerusalem. We’ll dive into the historical and spiritual importance of this prophecy, the symbolism of the flags, and the connection to modern-day events.

Join us as we discuss how this prophecy impacts the global Muslim Ummah and what it may mean for the future of Jerusalem. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insightful content on Islamic eschatology!

#IslamicEndTimes #KhorasanProphecy #BlackFlags #Jerusalem #IslamicEschatology #Prophecy #IslamicHistory #SignsOfJudgementDay


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