Mortal Kombat 1 - Reiko/Tremor Combo Video

Описание к видео Mortal Kombat 1 - Reiko/Tremor Combo Video

Optimal Combos for this duo.
In order to take full advantage of Tremor Aftershock's ground pound, my tips are these:
1-Have him always in Crystalline. You always have to first call him (he changes in Aftershock) and then press back+Kameo from the opposite side Reiko is standing. Meaning if you do the command grab from the left, then back+Kameo=right+Kameo.
2-To make the damage optimal you have to keep Reiko in the same side he does the command grab. The timing to call Tremor there is tricky. You have to call him just before the opponent's head touches the ground.
The correct sequence to land these type of combos is this:
a- First you call Tremor, the time i mentioned above.
b-You hold back in order to keep Reiko to the same side he starts the command grab.
c- Then you press back+Kameo from the opposite side to do the ground pound.
I hope I explained well.


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