Dalek Chronicles the Motion Picture

Описание к видео Dalek Chronicles the Motion Picture

This is a feature length edit of my animated TV21 Dalek comic adaptions which I have been doing since 2015. I always intended them as standalone episodes or two stories linked where the continuity followed on , but as my Dan Dare feature length edit has done so well I thought I would offer them in this format. It covers from the first story "Genesis of Evil" up to the end of the Dalek/Mechon war and I have added a new animated segment "Archives of Phrynne" which originally appeared halfway through the Mechon War series but was omitted from the earlier animation for clarity. As these were produced over several years under different conditions, I hope you will forgive the mix of voice dub / subtites / original comic dialogue . The Daleks are of course created by Terry Nation & designed by Ray Cusick, & all stories were written by early Dr Who writer /script editor David Whittaker . For those who prefer their Daleks in small doses the original episodes will remain, but there is something to be said for immersing yourself in the World of Skaro and its alien invaders, monsters & victims for 90 minutes plus .


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