Sardis — The Home of Gog and Magog — Rick Renner

Описание к видео Sardis — The Home of Gog and Magog — Rick Renner

Uncover the cruel history of Gog and how a region of Turkey, once Magog, became Sardis as Rick examines Jesus’ message to the church at Sardis. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

How did believers in the First Century survive the intense persecution that was waged against them? What kind of persecution did they endure? And how does all of this relate to Christians today? In this series, Take a Tour With Rick: Thyatira and Sardis, Rick Renner walks you through the ancient ruins of Thyatira and Sardis and opens history and the Scripture to you in a way that makes it come alive.

Rick’s richly detailed historical narrative, enhanced by classic artwork and superb photographs shot on location at archeological sites, will make the lands and the message of the Bible come alive to you as never before. Parallels between Roman society of the First Century and the modern world prove the current relevance of Christ’s warning and instructions.

The Bible is clear that at the end of the age, the spiritual hurricane of persecution that struck the Early Church will once again slam against society with devastating consequences. God has always had His remnant who would not bow to external pressures. In these final hours of the Church Age, He will have a remnant again. Will you be among them?

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:33 Rick Greeting & Product
02:32 Teaching
20:47 Product Offer
22:21 Ministry Update
24:21 Program and Product Review
26:21 Rick Prays
26:56 Salvation Prayer


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