David Ahlem of Hilmar Cheese explains how exports are critical for the dairy industry

Описание к видео David Ahlem of Hilmar Cheese explains how exports are critical for the dairy industry

Joel Hastings of DairyBusiness News interviews David Ahlem, President and CEO of Hilmar Cheese Company. Hilmar has plants in both Hilmar, California and Dalhart, Texas and is one of the largest cheese producers in the United States. Founded 30 years ago by a dozen California dairy families, it boasts an attractive restaurant and popular visitor center helping to educate the public about the industry.

Hilmar hosted the recent meeting of IDFA members and area Congress members. Ahlem explains how exports are critical for Hilmar and the dairy industry as a whole, both in California and the U.S. He also spoke about the business climate in the Golden State, saying his company and its dairy producer patrons will have to maintain the pace of change to continue their success.


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