Get A Grip: Mastering Side Sections And Pulls

Описание к видео Get A Grip: Mastering Side Sections And Pulls

This video features Craig from Foundry University discussing the techniques and nuances of managing side sections and pulls in hairstyling. The focus is on proper sectioning and the execution of pulls to ensure even and accurate haircuts.

Craig emphasizes the importance of proper body positioning and control over the hair section to achieve precise haircut results. He details how to maintain correct body alignment relative to the section being worked on, and the impact of proper tool handling, like combs and scissors, to ensure that each cut is precise and contributes to the desired hairstyle.

Key Points
🧍 Body Positioning: Ensuring that the body is correctly aligned with the section of hair being worked on is crucial for precision.

✂️ Sectioning Technique: Sections should be either a finger width or a comb width, demonstrating the importance of consistency in section size for uniformity in cuts.

💧 Moisture Control: Maintaining even moisture across the hair is essential for control during cutting.

🔄 Pull Technique: The pull technique is described in detail, with emphasis on pulling hair straight out from the section point to maintain hair parallel to the floor for even cuts.

🔍 Mirror Usage: Using a mirror to check the level and angle of the hair relative to the body during the haircut process.

🖐 Hand and Finger Positioning: The positioning of hands and fingers is critical in guiding the comb and scissors for accurate cutting.

-Introduction to Side Sections and Pulls: Craig introduces the topic and the importance of correct body posture.
-Detailed Sectioning: Explains how to take precise sections, using the ear as a landmark.
-Executing Pulls: Focus on the correct technique for pulling hair, including body and arm positioning.
-Importance of Comb Usage: How to properly use a comb to maintain control over the haircut.
-Visual Checks with Mirror: Utilizing a mirror to ensure sections are correctly aligned and pulled.


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