Dog Owner Confronted by Iraq Vet: irresponsible dog owner having lunch leaving dog in hot truck

Описание к видео Dog Owner Confronted by Iraq Vet: irresponsible dog owner having lunch leaving dog in hot truck

So it is right around 95 degrees outside today but feels hotter with humidity. The man in this photo left his dog in the back of the truck. We were inside the Pho place having lunch and this man was inside the same restaurant as us when someone came inside and asked who had a black truck with a dog in the back. It was this man in this photo.

My mother in law asked me to get a photo of his license plate so when I went outside I found this army vet in the video letting the guy have it. Some other by-standers went and got the dog some water.

Apparently Fairfax Animal Control wouldn’t respond to the scene to the fact the guy left and no one can evaluate the condition of the dog to prove he was under distress.

Instead I decided to publicly share this video and am asking my friends to do the same so hopefully this dog is treated with more respect in the future.

Thanks to Troy Hamill the army vet for the courage to confront the man with words and to Angelina Joy for taking time to get him some water. Also thanks to others who went into multiple businesses trying to find the owner.


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