SAINT-SAËNS: Aquarium & Il Cigno | Shin-Young LEE

Описание к видео SAINT-SAËNS: Aquarium & Il Cigno | Shin-Young LEE

Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835–1921), Carnaval des Animaux (organ transcription by Shin-Young Lee) performed live at the Lewis Organ in Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII (Bergamo, Italy).
Acquarium 00:01
Le cygne | The swann 02:35

The Lewis 1911 Organ of PIME Seminary Church, Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, IT

1. Acoustic Bass 32
2. Open Diapason 16
3. Violone 16
4. Sub Bass 16
5. Octave 8
6. Bass Flute 8
7. Fifteenth 4
8. Trombone 16
9. Contra Fagotto 16 (Swell)
10. Trumpet 8 (Great)

11. Open Diapason 8
12. Lieblich Gedackt 8
13. Dulciana 8
14. Unda Maris 8 TC
15. Flauto Traverso 4
16. Harmonic Piccolo 2
17. Clarionet 8 (enclosed)
18. Orchestral Oboe 8
19. Vox Humana 8 (enclosed)
20. Trumpet 8 (Great)
Sub Octave
Unison Off

21. Bourdon 16
22. Open Diapason No.1 8
23. Claribel Flute 8
24. Octave 4
25. Harmonic Flute 4
26. Twelfth 2 2/3
27. Fifteenth 2
28. Mixture IV
29. Trumpet 8

30. Geigen Principal 8
31. Rohr Flöte 8
32. Viola da Gambe 8
33. Voix Celestes 8 TC
34. Geigen Principal 4
35. Mixture III 15.19.22
36. Contra Fagotto 16
37. Horn 8
38. Oboe 8
39. Clarion 4
Sub Octave
Unison Off

Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell to Choir
Choir to Great
Choir 4 to Pedal
Great 4 to Pedal
Swell 4 to Pedal
Swell Octave to Great
Swell Sub Octave to Great
Choir Octave to Great
Choir Sub Octave to Great
Trumpet 16 on Choir
Trumpet 4 on Great

The manual compass is 61 notes; the pedal 30 notes.
Balanced expression pedals to the Swell organ and to Choir enclosed stops.
8 general pistons and 128 general memory levels.
Stepper & Sequencer.


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