CG Temple | Cinematic Video | Visit Nepal 2020

Описание к видео CG Temple | Cinematic Video | Visit Nepal 2020

ShashwatDham( CG) is a Hindu temple located in Devchuli of Nawalparasi District . Established by the Chaudhary Group , the dham ( which means ' abode ') is spread over a 12 - acre plot of land, and is home to Ekambareshwar , a Shiva temple; the temple is surrounded by a pond that contains water from famous religious sites such as Pashupatinath Temple , Muktinath and Haridwar . The dham has been drawing tourists and pilgrims from the world over , so it ' s definitely worth a visit if you happen to be in , or even near , Nawalparasi district. And even if you aren ' t a particularly religious person, there' s a lot to check out at the dham .

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