The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 18 Job

Описание к видео The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 18 Job

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 18 Job
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Job:

A righteous man named Job suffers a series of terrible tragedies that take away his wealth, his family, and his health. Even after losing everything, Job does not curse God. Three friends come to commiserate with Job, but they eventually speak their minds about the situation, advancing the notion that God is punishing Job for some secret sin. Job denies any sinfulness on his part, yet in his pain he cries out to God for answers—he trusts God, but he also wants God to explain Himself. In the end, God shows up and overwhelms Job with His majesty, wisdom, and power. God restores Job’s fortune, health, and family, but the answer to why Job had suffered God never answers.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!


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