Hmong Pickled Mustard Green (Hmong Food 7)

Описание к видео Hmong Pickled Mustard Green (Hmong Food 7)

1. 5 Pound mustard green
2. 2 Cup sticky rice cook in 20 cup water for about 15 minutes. Strained the rice water and let it cool completely.
3. When rice water is cool completely and ready to be used, add 1 1/2 tablespoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon sugar and 1/4 teaspoon MSG. Mix well together.

First massage of mustard green:
1. 2 Tablespoon salt

Second massage:
1. 2 Teaspoon salt

MEDIUM SOUR: Fermented for 48 hours
MORE SOUR: Fermented for 3 to 4 full days


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