NYS High School Disciplinary Core Ideas Chemistry and Physics What am I Actually Teaching?

Описание к видео NYS High School Disciplinary Core Ideas Chemistry and Physics What am I Actually Teaching?

NYS Science Learning Standards were based on the Next Generation Science Standards. But those standards put chemistry and physics together. Now in NYS we teach a separate chemistry course and a separate physics course. In this video I do my best to show you what the content is for each of those courses a teacher needs to cover during the school year getting ready for the new Regents exams starting in June 2026.

Here are the important links I mention.
NYSSLS Science Indices

American Chemical Society - NGSS Chemistry Concepts

American Association of Physics Teachers - NGSS Physics Concepts

Plus check out NYC Science scope and sequences for some good information. They haven't been fully updated but are still a great resource when figuring what you are teaching.
NYC Science Scope and Sequence

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